Friday, May 7, 2010

Got Calcium?

The Dairy Disaster: Milk Does Not Do Your Body Good ~ Allison Biggar (NaturalNews, 02.08.10)

So, I received an article via email today from fellow blogger faithgraceandjoy, which pretty much put the smack-down to all “dairy” products, or products that touted high calcium content. For example:

Tropicana with Calcium

Kraft Singles with Calci-3

The Calcium Kid

The author states that the product, which sported the “it does a body good” slogan in the early 1980s, may actually be more harmful than beneficial.

“Too much dairy can cause obesity, cancer, heart disease, allergies, diabetes, and even osteoporosis. The dairy industry has led us to believe that we can only get the calcium we need from their dairy products, [but] calcium ... can be found in a plethora of plant sources such as broccoli, cabbage and spinach.”

Biggar bases her conclusions on information gleaned from the osteoporosis research center, among other sources.

I see the point that the author is trying to make. Too much moo-juice can be bad for you. But here’s my beef: twenty years ago, we could not get enough calcium. People drank a glass with every meal, or at least once a day with their afternoon snack of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. A daily intake of milk purportedly led to strong bones, big muscles and a healthy mental state. Now, despite the overabundance of calcium-infused products available in the supermarket, we are told that our daily dose of calcium can be found in our dinner salad. I think we’re going to have to redesign the popular “got milk?” ads:

got spinach? 

The conclusion I reached after reading the aforementioned article is the same one that I’ve been advocating for several years, now: we should all just eat whatever the heck we want to, because "scientists" and "researchers" are learning new things contradicting themselves every other day about what is and is not healthy or “the best” for us to eat. This week pomegranates and blueberries are the new “super food”.

Pomegranate - Super Fruit 

They’ll cleanse your colon and prevent heart disease. Next week, they are a potential cancer risk due to “previously undiscovered” high amounts of blahblahblah. The story changes everyday, and if I religiously followed the advice/warnings of these people who continuously claim to know what’s best for my health, I’d spend 87% of my life on the toilet due to dietary inconsistency. My advice: use common sense to figure out what's right for you. For example: watermelon tastes good and it's a fruit. Fruit is good for us because it comes from plants. I will eat watermelon. Cheese tastes good and it's made from milk. Milk is good for us because we give it to babies. I will eat cheese.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, there’s a quart of Ben & Jerry’s Pumpkin Cheesecake ice cream calling my name from the freezer.


(Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of the images or slogans used above, nor am I affiliated with any of their respective owners. I am not making any money off of their usage which is intended entirely for personal amusement. Please don’t sue me.)


  1. hah...You always have and will continue to do just what you want. It's really all about balance, and really fruits and veggies can never do you wrong (sans the pesticides...) :-o
    Skim milk for me!!! :-)

  2. Ooh please... don't call it... "m-m-moo juice." I can't stand it.

    I drink 2% and somewhat often at school, moreso at home because it tastes so much better from a jug, not a huge plastic bag in a crate thing... I remember all those calcium commercials a while back. I just eat what looks healthy. I know I need more fruit and veg in my diet, but that's not always possible 9 months out of the year.
    Can't wait to live on my own and buy my own groceries!!!

  3. And that's the real catch... when you live on the go or when someone else is in charge of buying groceries and they're not especially health-conscious, it's really difficult to regulate your own diet because you have to eat whatever is around. I'm a 2% gal myself, though I could cut back to 1% without complaining. ;)


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